20.06.2021 - 27.06.2021 / Tagung Nr. 24-5-21*

Summer School: The Concept of "Health" and its Implications for Public Health Issues

In Kooperation mit der FernUniversität in Hagen, der Universität Belgrad, der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, der Universität Rethymno, der Universität Sofia, der Universität Thessaloniki, der Universität Tirana und der Universität Zagreb

Leitung: Michael Spieker / Thomas S. Hoffmann

Sekretariat: SZSCHIEGNER, Tel.: 08158 / 256-0

* Fester Teilnehmerkreis. Zusätzliche Anmeldungen nur nach Rücksprache mit dem Tagungssekretariat.

The Summer School takes up the question of the concept of health. This is central to the entire field of medical ethics and also medicine. Our Summer School relates this question in particular to implementation problems in the public health system as well as to the tensions that exist in principle between the individual good of „health“ and variable political objectives in the field of state health care. Last but not least, reference will be made to guiding concepts of public health, as they have been discussed anew and on an interdisciplinary basis since the Corona pandemic.