25.09.2017 - 27.09.2017 / Tagung Nr. 39-2-17*

Business and American Civilization

In Zusammenarbeit mit der ALP Dillingen

Leitung: Wolfgang Quaisser / Gerhard Finster

Sekretariat: Alexandra Tatum-Nickolay, Tel.: 08158 / 256-17

Anmeldung über die ALP Dillingen

* Fester Teilnehmerkreis. Zusätzliche Anmeldungen nur nach Rücksprache mit dem Tagungssekretariat.

The aim of this course is to investigate how America remains a decisive economic powerhouse that cannot be ignored either as a market in itself or as a centre for innovative business excellence. Business means money and more, especially in the Land of the Free and the home of the dollar bill. Based on a short, sharp historical foundation about how American Civilization has been shaped and influenced by business-like ideas, we will examine key, real-life case studies of modern US business complemented by its portrayal on the big (movies) and the little (TV) screens. Our focus will be the current generation of US political, cultural and economic powers. EFL methodological issues will be proposed and discussed to help develop linguistic and cultural competence.